JAXIDA, a German cover manufacturer, has a proven track record and is known in every country for its glider covers, and is known as the best in the world.Uli himself is also famous for participating in glider competitions around the world as a glider pilot.Uli Schwenk, the company's representative, and Uli's friendship deepened as they exchanged ideas about the cover business, leading to his first visit to Japan.Uli's six-day stay from April 27th to May 2nd was very meaningful.After a busy schedule that included visiting a sewing factory in the Philippines, visiting Makabe Gliding Field, visiting Sekijuku Gliding Field, and a full-day meeting at our company, we are considering whether we can cooperate in our cover business in the future.WazaCover hopes to provide customers with the world's highest standard of covers in categories such as cars, gliders, helicopters, and airplanes, and to give them excitement and joy.To that end, we will always be thinking about how to build a stronger business structure as Team WazaCover.