WazaCover made a forecast for practical use and commercialization through a development period of about one year. During this time, we made many prototypes and conducted eight industrial tests to verify the shock-absorbing material. We also completed a prototype that incorporates a thin, light, easy-to-handle, yet effective shock-absorbing material into a car cover.―This cover can be attached in just 20 seconds by simply hanging it on the rear and front without using fasteners such as strings or bands.―It is firmly fixed so that the cover will not come off even in the gusts of wind that occur when hail falls.―It is as if the cover is covered with strong armor.Gunma Prefecture has suffered such severe damage that 50% of hail damage in Japan is concentrated in the prefecture. WazaCover verified the prototype in collaboration with JU Gunma, a used car auction company. We also received information about hail damage from many of our members. Once we have decided to commercialize the product, we will hold a product launch event here at JU Gunma.協力:JU群馬(群馬県中古自動車販売協会)https://ju-gunma.or.jp/