A variety of alarm systems are sold to prevent vandalism and theft of cars and motorbikes.Most of them sound an alarm when they detect vibrations or shocks.In the course of developing an alarm system that works in conjunction with the covers that protect cars, we discovered that conventional sensor technology could not be used to create an alarm system suitable for the covers."If the product is recognized, it will be obvious where the alarm is installed.""It's meaningless if it just sounds an alarm when it detects an abnormality.""I want a function that notifies my home or smartphone of any abnormalities.""I want an alarm that can be used not only when the cover is attached, but also when the car is parked, such as when shopping."To achieve these development goals, after a year of development starting in 2014, the world's first sensor technology and alarm device was completed.・After the cover is fitted, the alarm system is activated by the remote control key (receiver).・The sensor detects any abnormality anywhere on the cover.・It sounds an alarm to threaten and at the same time notifies the remote control key (receiver) at home of the abnormality.・In the future, the technology will be perfected to notify smartphones of abnormalities.・The alarm system is also activated when the vehicle is parked without cover, e.g. when shopping or travelling.・We have perfected a transmitter and receiver that can detect at a range of approximately 500 m, even in urban areas.We will deliver car covers incorporating this security device first to users in Japan, then to users in Asia, and then to many users around the world.